Sunday, March 16th *** Evening Service will be at 2pm ***

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Church Building

New Here?

What to Expect

We are glad that you are interested in visiting Grace. If you join us for any of our services, you’ll discover our commitment to the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. His redeeming work on the cross is the central theme of Scripture. We focus on reading, teaching, preaching, singing, and praying the Word of God.

Service Times

Sunday Service:
9:45 AM | 11:00 AM | 5:00 PM

Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00PM


Sunday School

On Sundays at 9:45 am, we offer Bible-based Sunday School instruction tailored to each age group. Our teachers are committed Christians, who love God’s Word and have a passion for teaching Christ-centered truth. There are Sunday School classes for ages two years old up until the adult class. At 10:30 am, we have a time of refreshments and coffee in order to fellowship with one another before the morning worship service.

Morning & Evening Worship

At 11:00 am and 5:00 pm on Sunday, we enter into a God-centered worship. We desire that all our worship is guided by the Word of God. We sing praises to God, earnestly pray to Him, and hear messages from the Bible that seek to explain and apply the Scriptures. The morning and evening services last about an hour and fifteen minutes each. On the first Sunday of the month, our evening service is dedicated to celebrating the Lord's Supper.


Prayer Meeting

On Wednesday evenings at 7:00, we gather to pray. We begin with a hymn and a brief devotional to warm our hearts to prayer. After that, we have three seasons of prayer that cover a specific area that we pray for. In our first season, we hear missionary reports and then intercede for them. Our second season includes a time of praise and thanksgiving where we give thanks for all the good that God is doing in our lives. In our last season of prayer, we focus on our specific needs as a church. We pray for our regular ministries and also give time for people to share personal requests for which we as a congregation can pray. During the latter half of the prayer meeting, the children have their own time of Bible instruction.

Childcare During Services

During every service, it is our privilege to provide loving and safe childcare for children three years old and under. Each of our volunteers has been properly screened with background checks and loves to be with children. More information about our child protection policy can be given to you by an usher.


We look forward to seeing you!